Install the App

Part 2 of the Quick Start Guide that shows how to install the app

Install the app on a device

Installing on an Apple iOS device

The Mobile Data Anywhere client application for iOS (iPhone and iPad) is a free app available through the App Store. It is compatible with iOS 6.0 and later. It can be downloaded using iTunes and synced onto a iPhone or iPad or it can be downloaded directly on the device using the App Store application.

You can either visit this page on your iPhone or iPad and click on the link below.

Install App from the App Store

Or you can go to the App Store on your device by tapping on the App Store icon and search for “Mobile Data Anywhere”. Once you find the app in the App Store you will see the app below.

Mda appstore

Press the Install button.

Once installed you will see an app icon on your iPhone that looks like this.

Mda app icon

Tap on the icon.

Once the app is launched you will see the following welcome screen.

Ios mobile welcome

Installing on an Android device

The Mobile Data Anywhere client application for Android is a free app available through the Play Store. It is compatible with Android devices running Gingerbread 2.3 and later.

If you view this page on your Android device you can simply click the link below to go to the Play Store page to download the app.

Install App from the Google Play Store

Alternatively, you can find the app in the Google Play Store by searching for Mobile Data Anywhere

Android mobile device play store

Press the Install button.

Once installed you can open the app using the app drawer or from the home screens. The app's icon is shown below:

Mda app icon

Tap on the icon to open the app.

Once the app is launched you will see the following welcome screen.

Android mobile welcome